Always Music...
Music has been a mainstay in my life. I grew up in the Arkansas Ozark Mountains surrounded by natural beauty, clean air, good neighbors, a skating rink and 4-part harmony. Our family enjoyed harmonizing together: Mom, Cathy and Gary: melody, dad's deep bass, then tenor and alto harmony from Eddie and me. This Mayberry setting provided a calm living environment. That sense of calm is often missing today. I hope to remind all of us of it's importance.
I remember coming home from church and hurrying to our piano to pick out my first song, Sweet Hour of Prayer. I saw the excitement on my mom's face as she said, "that's the song we sang this morning in church!" I looked up at her and said, "I know!" I was five years old and realized the joy of communicating through this wonderful instrument, the piano. I knew there would be more songs to come out of this bonding of the music in my head and the piano keys.
Gratefulness is the word that describes my connection to music. Whether playing a wedding march and seeing the excitement on the bride's face or playing a patient's favorite tune and seeing their face light up, I am grateful to be linked to the emotional strength of music.
Tim, my husband, and Jon, my son, have listened to all of my songs throughout the years and have been my best audience. I thank them for helping me to see more and more reasons to continue to write and record.